Protecting the environment –
with high-solid paints
Less solvents and greater efficiency
Energy efficiency as a company philosophy
We use the latest generation of high-solid paints, which reduces the emission of solvents far below the legally required limits. By complying with the VOC balance we make an important contribution to protecting the environment. High solid paints contain a high proportion of solid material - up to 80% - and with a low solvent content of only approximately 20%, contribute considerably less environmental pollution than other industrial paints. The high-solid paints which we use combine the emission benefits of hydro paints with the functionality of solventbased coating materials. In addition, the lower solvent proportion allows very short drying times in production - a decisive advantage over water-based paint systems. The substrates materials for water-based paint systems have to be cleaned and degreased with solvents before they are painted. Ultimately, our customers benefit from faster production and delivery times. NORD drive solutions are especially valued for their great energy efficiency. We also use the same optimisation standards for production in our factories.