Novinky –

Koncept pohonov pre automatizované systémy manipulácie s batožinou

Na výstave Inter airport Europe 2013 v Mníchove, Nemecko, predstavil NORD DRIVESYSTEMS koncept pohonov pre automatizované systémy manipulácie s batožinou na letiskách. V kombinácii s účinými elektroprevodovkami firmy NORD sú decentrálne frekvenčné meniče a motorové spúšťače vynikajúce riešenie.


Bargteheide, 2013-10-24

Decentálny fekvenčný menič SK 200E s motorom so zabudovaným inkrementálnym snímačom, integrovanou funkciou polohovania a správou brzdy (cez 180 V DC výstup) slúži na zdvíhanie, spúšžanie a polohovanie. Modely rovnakej rady meničov zabezpečujú regulovaný pohyb batožiny po pásových dopravníkoch so snímačmi priamo pripojenými do frekvenčného meniča prostredníctvom rozhraní.

In order to seamlessly transfer baggage to the hoist, the various drive units were synchronized. In the exhibition demonstration, a compact SK 180E inverter controls the roller conveyor drive, also allowing for accumulation and synchronization. Featuring the same operating interface, NORD’s SK 135 soft starter / reversing starters provide protection for the conveyor and gear unit mechanics.

Since the starter is also mounted directly on the motor’s terminal box and includes extensive protection features, the integrated design presents a cost-efficient alternative to centralized solutions that require considerable wiring effort as well as separate motor protection switches, reversing contactors, and brake rectifiers. In the exhibition model, the controller and the drives communicate via Profibus. In addition, NORD also implements connections via all standard bus systems such as Profinet or EtherNet/IP. The full-scale supplier offers an extensive in-house range of mechatronic drives. For baggage handling systems, NORD designs and plans individual, low-maintenance drive solutions that support straightforward variant management.