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Intelligent Drives from NORD

Decentralized drive concepts from NORD pave the way for the evolution of control architecture from the automation pyramid to intelligent automation networks.


Bargteheide, 2018-03-21

Modern intelligent drives are a key technology for the fourth industrial revolution because they enable the coordinated operation of networked, decentralized and autonomous production processes. With the PLC which is integrated into the NORD frequency inverter, application-specific functions close to the drive unit can be efficiently programmed and parameterized in the same way as other frequency inverter functions.

Even though this industrial development is still in its infancy, the development perspective is toward cyber-physical systems, which operate decentrally, independent of their particular manufacturers and across various locations. Any combination of control, PLC and communication protocols transfer their operating data to the relevant control level. The ERP level then controls the field level on the basis of the known field data. The integrated PLC in the NORDAC LINK frequency inverter is ideally suited for these autonomous scenarios.