The frequency inverters feature a real-time microprocessor (cycle time 10 ms) and support free programming of drive-related functions according to IEC 61131 to relieve the workload of external PLCs. 200% overload reserve capacity ensures high operating safety, for instance in crane and hoist systems. Employing field-oriented control technology, these controllers achieve excellent consistency under flexible loads and from near standstill up to the motor’s rated speed, even without an encoder.
Furthermore, the drives provide high starting torques and speed feedback can also be implemented. The top-of-the-range frequency inverter SK 540E from the control cabinet line integrates a universal encoder interface for SSI, BISS, EnDat profile 2.1, and Hiperface. NORD’s line-up of distributed inverter technology covers the performance range up to 22 kW, while cabinet devices range up to 160 kW. The German drive expert provides full-scale mechatronic drives, manufacturing geared motors and electronics units and programming logic functions in-house.