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NORD Managing Director Dr. Omar Sadi: Industry 4.0 requires a clear direction as a system supplier

In a recent interview, Dr. Omar Sadi talked about the present market position of the drive specialist NORD DRIVESYSTEMS. NORD is continuing its development from a supplier of components to a system supplier. Over the past years, a complete modular system has gradually been created, from which drive solutions can be precisely configured to meet customers' requirements.In a recent interview, Dr. Omar Sadi talked about the present market position of the drive specialist NORD DRIVESYSTEMS.


Bargteheide, 2017-04-20

NORD is continuing its development from a supplier of components to a system supplier. Over the past years, a complete modular system has gradually been created, from which drive solutions can be precisely configured to meet customers' requirements. Just like the customers of the drive specialist, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS has been occupied with megatrends such as digitalisation and increase of energy efficiency. For example, NORD has closely examined and optimised the efficiency of all drive components and the entire system, consisting of the drive, gear unit and the drive electronics . In this, NORD benefits from its expertise in drive systems, which it has gained over more than 50 years. The extensive product portfolio features a large power range, a high degree of scalability with regard to function and configuration, as well as its international nature. This is shown e.g. by the support of all common bus systems as well as all voltages and frequencies. For Industry 4.0 NORD can supply customers with individual, intelligent drive systems consisting of the gear unit , motor and frequency inverter , which are tailored to the particular application. Depending on customers' requirements, NORD offers centralised and decentralised drive concepts, whereby the trend is definitely toward decentralised, intelligent drive systems. Advantages of this include lower costs for wiring, relief of the load on the central control system due to decentralised intelligence, prevention of EMC problems and simplified installation and diagnosis of the drive systems. NORD can supply decentralised drive units with powers of up to 22 kW.