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Intelligent drive technology - Teamwork: Master/Slave communication
Due to PLC and position control within the frequency inverters, several drives by NORD DRIVESYSTEMS can be synchronised in Master /Slave mode. Thus, functions such as synchronised movement and flying saw operation can be implemented decentrally.
Bargteheide, 2019-02-14
The flying saw enables coupling and parallel movement of a processing unit relative to a moving object. As the transport of material continuously travels on the master axis, the slave axis is synchronised to the master. As soon as synchronised movement is attained, the processing is executed. The slave axis then returns to its initial position and the process is repeated. Application examples include cutting wood and the transfer of liquids.
Due to the internal PLC and the POSICON position control within the NORDAC LINK and NORDAC FLEX frequency inverters several NORD drives can be synchronised in Master / Slave mode. The integrated POSICON functionality ensures that the inverters are able to determine the current position of the drive. As a result, functions such as synchronised movement and flying saw can be executed quickly and precisely. Up to three slave inverters can be controlled by one master inverter. A higher level control is not necessary. NORD drives self-sufficiently ensure smooth processing.
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