
NORD Industrial Safety Policy

The industrial safety policy of the NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Group is directed to all employees and divisions of the company and defines the social responsibility of the company as well as key implementation areas which are derived from this. The objective is the continuous improvement of industrial safety within the company.

Everyone cooperates equally responsibly in the daily implementation of occupational health and safety measures. Everyone has the duty to point out recognised dangers and the right to eliminate potential dangers. We protect our employees from health hazards through comprehensive preventive measures.

NORD commits to comply with the relevant laws and regulations. Cooperation with authorities, institutions and qualified partners is carried out on an ongoing basis. The works council is involved in the planning and implementation of industrial safety measures.

The objective of our efforts is to design our organisation and equipment in such a manner that the health and safety of our employees is not impaired. For this, analyses of hazards and stresses are performed.

In this, the focus is on preventative measures.

The company creates the opportunity for individual training on the subject of "Industrial Safety". All employees have the duty and responsibility to avail themselves of this opportunity and to implement the knowledge which they gain from this.