Cooperations and Associations

The NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Group actively collaborates with associations and cooperates with universities throughout the world.

VDMA – Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau [German Engineering Federation]

Getriebebau NORD collaborates with the VDMA in the drive technology association and is a member of the VDMA e-Market .


In the ZVEI - Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e. V. [German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association] we collaborate with various work groups, e.g. the geared motor work group.


GATE - the German Airport Planning and Equipment Association held a confernence at the headquarters of Getriebebau Nord, Bargteheide in October 2015.

Zukunftsallianz Maschinenbau [Alliance for the Future of Engineering]

Getriebebau NORD is a member of the Zukunftsallianz Maschinenbau .


IABSC - International association of baggage system companies. NORD Gear is a member of the association.


We support the HAWK Team of the University of Applied Sciences at Hamburg University.


We cooperate with the following universities: