Application Solution
Krijn Verwijs has begun to roll out nsd tupH systems sure to provide considerable longer service lives in the salty atmosphere. Though such aluminum geared motors do come at a premium compared to the price of conventional cast iron units, both lab trials and extensive real-life testing in the factory in Yerseke indicate that nsd tupH systems will last for the better part of the typical 10-year lifetime of a conveyor line, or even outlast the line. Krijn Verwijs will therefore no longer have to purchase fi ve to ten replacement drives for every unit, nor bother with the expense and effort for associated maintenance work.
Physically ingrained protection. – The nsd tupH treatment is no application of a coating, but rather a surface conversion that produces a base layer permanently bonded to the substrate. Based on an electrolytic process, this treatment renders aluminum cases similarly unsusceptible to corrosion as stainless steel. The scratchresistant surface also becomes more than six times as hard as untreated alloy, and a thousand times as hard as paint.
Smart alternative to stainless steel. – Featuring a very lightweight, compact, and self-draining design, nsd tupH systems for the food industry can be easily washed down. They are impervious to e.g. common chemical cleaning agents – neither rinsing them with acids or alkaline solutions nor applying high-pressure cleaners will do any damage. In addition, nsd tupH surface treatments are universally available for all NORD aluminum products – unlike many stainless steel geared motor series, which most manufacturers limit to a few types.