Stainless steel alternative: NSD tupH
Optimized surfaces are another focus of development for NORD. Introducing the NSD tupH sealed surface conversion system, the company now provides a very versatile solution for excellent hygienic characteristics which usually require stainless steel units. In this case, the gear cases are not coated – instead, their surfaces undergo a special treatment. The ultra-robust finish requires no application of material. It is based on a catalytic process that makes aluminum gear cases 6-7 times harder. In order to create a smooth surface, a sealant is applied to the treated material. Geared motors with an NSD tupH surface withstand even very demanding environmental conditions, such as chemical cleaning treatments used in the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries. Extensive tests show that NSD tupH surfaces did not sustain any damages even after one year of salt water rinsing which included the use of aggressive cleaning chemicals and high-pressure cleaners. Salt spray tests showed no corrosion after 1,000 hours. The NSD tupH surfaces also proved superior compared with standard systems during chip resistance testing: with gear units featuring protective coatings or varnishes, users must always expect that such layers (whether they are varnish, nickel, or nickel/teflon combinations) can peel off, e.g. in case of damage. Thanks to their design, this is impossible for NSD tupH gear units: the treated surfaces are scratch-proof, very resistant, and do not corrode.